Principal’s Desk

“An Investment in Knowledge Pays the Best Interest.”Benjamin Franklin

Prof. Sanavi Patil (

In this competitive digital world even one day is too much for anything to change. Every day a new innovation is being bought in the market. And this disrupting Business environment demands the Businesses to adapt with the disrupting environment, with the potential of technology and human skill sets.

Thus in this changing environment KLE Society’s Bachelor of Business Administration college provides a platform for the young minds to blossom with their creativity. As the name suggests Bachelor of Business Administration, the course counsels and builds individuals administrative, management, Leadership skills and also builds confidence to take up the challenge and complete it with responsibility.

Like any other course the University syllabus, internal tests, project works, assignments etc take care of the academic development of the student. Apart from this the BBA course focuses on giving hands on experience of different industries and expertise on the corporate culture indeed this is also demanded by the recruiter.

The Activities, Soft Skills, Business practices and exposure of the industrial practices imbibe the entrepreneurial mindset among the individuals.

The recruiters in recent times don’t want to invest time and money on training the candidates rather they prefer candidates to be familiar with corporate culture in order to meet the demands of the market. We focus on soft skill development grooming and adaptability in disrupting the market. We mentor students everyday with group discussions, mock interviews, seminars, workshops and professional interactions within the curriculum. Students are monitored one on one having built the mentor and mentee relation at the institute. students are exposed to experience the competitive world by providing opportunities to participate in various management fests and competitive events . students are also given the opportunity to organize and manage the events in the college.

Apart from these, we coordinate with the local businesses and provide hands on experience in the field of Distribution/Stock handling, retailer handling, where they learn about different stock management techniques in practice such as FIFO and LIFO. Students are able to learn differently and companies are also encouraging such moves as they feel there is no better lab to test the performance of the candidate than the real market.

Moreover BBA is a stream of studies where there is an ocean of opportunities to choose as a career and get trained as per its needs and step out of the college and start performing. I urge the students to have a thought on the outcome of the course and the training process followed by the colleges.